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Advanced Practiced Pharmacology Symposium September 9, 2023 | 7 am-4:30 pm Click here to register    

Annual Security Reports

The College provides this information to all students and employees in compliance with the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy…

Explore job opportunities at Aultman

Did you know Aultman is one of only 28 hospital/healthcare-affiliated colleges in the nation? This offers our prospective students a unique…

Title IX

“Title IX” refers to the Education Amendments Act of 1972 that prevents discrimination in school programs and activities based on…

Associate of Science in Nursing

The associate of science in nursing (ASN) program is a five-semester program for students who want an entry-level career in nursing. Once…

Medical assistants are a fast-growing profession that is highly valued throughout the healthcare field. Many people who want to become…